Tanzanian Spinel Mehenje (also spelled Mahenge) is a highly sought-after variety of Spinel that is named after the Mahenge region in Tanzania where it is found. It is known for its vivid and intense pinkish-red color, and is highly valued by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts. Tanzanian spinel is known for its exceptional beauty and rarity. The composition of Tanzanian spinel is primarily made up of magnesium, aluminum, and oxygen, with traces of other elements such as chromium, iron, and zinc.

In terms of quality, Tanzanian spinel is considered to be among the finest spinel gemstones in the world due to its rich, vibrant colors and excellent clarity. The most sought-after colors of Tanzanian spinel are pink, red, and blue, but it also occurs in other colors such as purple, orange, and brown.

Tanzanian spinel is also known for its exceptional rarity, particularly in larger sizes and in the most desirable colors. This is because the mines in Tanzania are relatively small, and the gemstone deposits are often found in pockets rather than in large veins. As a result, high-quality Tanzanian spinel is relatively rare and can be quite valuable.

Tanzanian spinel is also known for its unique glow, which is caused by the presence of trace elements such as chromium and iron. This phenomenon, known as fluorescence, can cause the gemstone to emit a vivid, glowing color when viewed under certain lighting conditions. The most prized examples of Tanzanian spinel exhibit a strong, neon-like glow that can be seen even in low light.

There are several famous Tanzanian spinels that are highly valued by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts. Here are a few of the most famous Tanzanian spinels:

  1. The Samarian Spinel: This 500-carat spinel is one of the largest spinels in the world, and it is said to have been discovered in the Mursinka mine in Tanzania. It is named after the biblical region of Samaria and is currently owned by the Iranian government.

  2. The Mahenge Spinel: This spinel is known for its bright pink-red color and high clarity. It was discovered in the Mahenge region of Tanzania in 2007 and is considered one of the most important spinel finds of the modern era.

  3. The Tunduru Spinel: This spinel is known for its intense red color and is said to rival the finest rubies. It is named after the Tunduru district in southern Tanzania, where it was discovered.

  4. The Queen of Tanzania Spinels: This 56-carat spinel is considered one of the finest spinels ever discovered, and it is prized for its vivid red color and exceptional clarity. It was mined in the Mahenge region of Tanzania in the 1990s and is now part of a private collection.