Zambian Emerald


Zambia is a major producer of emeralds and is known for producing some of the finest emeralds in the world. Here are some key facts about Zambia emeralds:

  1. Color: Zambia emeralds are known for their rich, vibrant green color, which is caused by the presence of vanadium and chromium in the crystal structure. The color of Zambia emeralds can range from a bluish-green to a yellowish-green, and can be quite distinct from emeralds from other locations.

  2. Clarity: Zambia emeralds are typically less included than emeralds from other locations, and are known for their exceptional clarity. This is due to the geological conditions under which they are formed, which allows for the growth of large, relatively inclusion-free crystals.

  3. Size: Zambia is known for producing emeralds in a range of sizes, from small gemstones to large, high-quality crystals. Some of the largest emeralds in the world have been found in Zambia, including the "Insofu" emerald, which weighed over 6,000 carats.

  4. Sustainability: The emerald mining industry in Zambia is known for its commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. Many of the emerald mines in Zambia are operated by large, reputable mining companies that are committed to environmental stewardship and community development.

Overall, Zambia emeralds are highly prized by collectors and jewelry designers for their rich color, exceptional clarity, and sustainability. They are considered to be among fine emeralds in the world and are an important part of Zambia's economy and cultural heritage.